Itinerant's Guide
The Itinerant's Guide consists of an educational narrated video format for high school students. These videos demonstrate and analyze several contemporary concepts of the digital world such as fake news, advertising on social networks, psychological price among others. These videos are part of the digital didactic content offered by SAS Education Platform and are inserted in the PDFs of the books as embedded media.

The idea behind the videos is to offer a fictional artificial intelligence with unlimited knowledge that explains concepts in a simplified way, just like an encyclopedia. As major influences can be noted the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Science Fiction of the 80s. I had the opportunity to idealize the format of the videos together with Carolina Carlini, in addition to acting as Product Manager, Product Designer and Editor/Animator.
Some aesthetic references.

Storyboard vs Final version.
Some animations.
Dedicated page in the digital book where Guide's videos are embedded seamlessly.
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