Touchdesigner studies
Since the final years of my graduation, I've been divided by my passion for motion graphics and my enthusiasm for image processing and creative coding.
Most recently, I have found great joy in learning procedural animation and combining both of these interests of mine into one. 
TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content, developed by the Toronto-based company Derivative.

The following projects are my very first interactions with the software as I try to learn it.
Tracie cheng
For this study, I tried to create animated scenes heavily inspired by the work of New York-based artist Tracie Cheng. Her abstract paintings carry the recurrent theme of organic surfaces mixed with geometric lines in the most stunning manner.
As she describes on her Instagram bio "Lines and clouds in harmony".
Some of the pieces that I used as reference for composition and colour.
You can follow her work on Instagram.
Displacement map, colour map and geometry combining both elements.
Steps of the image processing.
Network editor view of the project.
For this study, I tried to procedurally generate images that resembled Cyanotype printings. Cyanotype is a very interesting, and one of the earliest, photographic printing techniques. It was discovered in 1842 and it is distinctive for producing rich, Prussian blue monochromatic prints. It uses a mixture of iron compounds exposed to UV light to create the images.
Some references of colour and styles of printing.
The first step was to create a bush stroke pattern generator using two rectangles and noise + distortion.
Then, the input media (image or video) is processed to be combined with the brush stroke.
As a bonus, I used the final output as a texture on a 3D scene.
Network editor view of both brush stroke generator and the image processing.
For this study, I was revisiting the LAMBDA collection I did back in 2016, but this time using real 3D and textures in TouchDesigner instead of a 2D illusion in After Effects. The main inspiration was one my favourites GIFs of this collection that I regretfully lost the original project file of. 
GIF I was using as inspiration. More about this collection here.
Normal map used on the geometry, the distorted mesh and the geometry combining both elements.
Steps of the image processing.
Network editor view of the project.
Thank you!

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