XI Contemporary Art Exhibition (XI MAC)
The XI Contemporary Art Exhibition (XI MAC): Animation Exhibition is a realization of the GEPAT - Study and Research Group in Art and Technology, an extension project of the Fluminense Federal University. In its eleventh edition, the theme "Animation" was born with the aim of presenting the historical, aesthetic and cultural perspective of world and Brazilian animation, providing a space for discussion where we can unite the academic environment with the community through this itinerant event between art, universities and schools.

Back in 2018 I was invited to participate in the edition of the event as a featured artist for some of my animated GIFs. I submitted 9 gifs that are divided into 3 collections. Each collection illustrate creative phases with distinct identities and inspirations:
The first, called “lambda” (2016), inherits its name from the Greek symbol λ, which is used to mathematically represent the length of a wave. It is composed of works that are associated in the use of wave movements and constant frequency. Its main inspiration is the geometry and propagation of waves, represented in vibrant colors.
“MAR” (2017) differs from the author’s other works by using video editing as the principle of the work. It is the result of the personal capture of images and the theme of the sea is strongly influenced by the coastal cities in which he lived. In this project, the technique of Continuous Linear Interpolation Aided by Image Segmentation was developed for the creation of video loops, which became the object of study of his Bachelor's Degree Final Paper.
Finally, “rgb” (2018) presents a series of abstractions that are inspired by particular and distinct aspects of the author’s life, such as sporadic contact with nature, classic works of Brazilian abstractionism and interpretations of natural cyclical movements. Although they share a creation process with similar steps, they differ in the final form and in the palette, which is based on the basic colors of the chromatic representation system in electronic devices (RGB).
You can find some more of my gifs on Instagram.
Thank You!

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